Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nine Months

I am 36 weeks today and I am OVER being pregnant!!! I feel ready for Gabbie to arrive and am getting super excited to meet her. Although, I am very nervous about being a mom of two. It's scary to think about balancing my time and attention between both girls and making sure that both have all of their needs met. I know it will happen, but the transition is a bit overwhelming... In just one short week I will be considered full-term and she can come any time after that. I want her to stay put until at least June 1st. For some reason I really have my heart set on a June baby! We will see what God has in mind... He knows the plans He has for us. Whatever that plan is I know it will be perfect.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
