Everything has been going well so far this pregnancy. I still struggle with a lack of food cravings, believe it or not. It has been frustrating to not feel like anything sounds that great, or when something does sound good to have it not taste as good as I thought. With Mollie I craved food like crazy- and my weight gain proved it. (50 big ones!!!) Looking on the brighter side, at least I'm not tempted to eat more than I should. Hopefully that will translate into lower total weight gained!
I started feeling the baby move on December 23rd. The kicks are already starting to get stronger and I think Jeremie may even be able to feel it soon. I feel most of the kicks on the right side. With Mollie I felt most of them on my left and she even managed to push out the left side of my rib cage permanently. Maybe this baby will even me out!
I am also having pains in my very low back area that shoot down my legs occasionally. I think it is a problem with my sciatic nerve. Jeremie got me a body pillow for Christmas and I think it is helping a little. I never got one with Mollie, because I only saw the super expensive ones made especially for pregnancy. Being that I am a tad on the cheap side I wasn't willing to spend $50 on a pillow I only needed for 9 months. A friend of mine, who is also pregnant with her second, recommended a much cheaper pillow from Fred Meyer. So far I would recommend it, too!
I have my third OB appointment next Thursday. At that appointment we will set our 20 week ultrasound date. I will be 20 weeks on Saturday the 23rd, so I am hoping to be able to set the appointment for Friday the 22nd. We plan to find out the sex of the baby and I will post it when we know. I still feel like it is a boy. Jeremie doesn't have a strong feeling either way, but says he feels more like it's a girl than boy. Mollie always asks for a baby sister, so we will see if I am right or if Jeremie and Mollie are right. Any guesses???
PS- the picture of me is awful, but I am determined to post a new one every month and this is all I have! I promise I don't look that bad all the time! :)