Monday, March 28, 2011


Nine Months

Gabriella is getting REALLY busy these days! And SUBBORN, too! She is starting to really have strong opinions about a lot of things. Parenting of this little one has officially begun! :( She has especially strong opinions about food. She loves fruit and will eat just about any variety as a fingerfood, but no vegetables whatsoever- she won't even touch whole grains or cheeses! This makes a mommy (who, unfortunately, has a natural tendancy to worry) a little uneasy. I have known a few babies who have needed physical therapy for developmental delays that have presented themselves in rejection of fingerfoods. Now, I know I'm overreacting. Especially considering the fact that she is not only progressing "normally", she is ahead of the developmental curve in many areas. But, nevertheless, I'm still a little uneasy about it. Hoping that this phase ends soon! Overall, she is still doing very well. She's active, happy, and beautiful. Loving this baby is so easy! :)